Saturday, January 30, 2010

An open letter to the wrestling community

Just over 5 years ago a few college wrestlers and some friends got frustrated that every organization they talked to about going to help with recovery from the tsunami told them no.

Than a day came when they all looked at each other and immediately knew what each other was thinking...

If no one is going to help us, than we are going to do it by ourselves.

You see tho, that they didn't end up doing it themselves; instead hundreds of friends and friends of friends joined in to create an organization they named Wrestling the World.

Wrestling taught that original group of people that through hard work, dedication, and teamwork goals can be reached.  In a unique way wrestling is about the individual but also very much about the team...and that is the same about the organization called Wrestling the World.

5 years later...
2 trips to Sri Lanka later...
3 aid packages to Hurricane survivors later...
3+ trips to Kenya later...
thousands of people later...
over $150,000 later...

Wrestling the World has once committed itself to help another group of people, the people of Haiti.

We set a goal to have 100 pancake dinners on Tuesday, February 23rd 2010
About 4 weeks away we have reached hundreds of people and feel very happy about having 10 confirmed dinners, but stating a goal and not doing everything you can do to reach it is...anti-wrestling.

Here is our call to you:
It is the week of the state tournament- WE KNOW
YES- It is the most important week of the year for our sport in Wisconsin

We need your help, unite with us and reach this goal...
Can you plan a pancake dinner (of any size) in your town and let us know so that we can record it on our way to 100?  Whether it be just your family, your wrestling team, or your entire town...that doesn't matter, what does is that we are uniting on this day to help the people in Haiti. Sell tickets, pass an envelope, or whatever you want to do to collect money to help-just have a pancake dinner and let us know about it!

Don't forget to watch our celebrity endorser Ben Askren here
For questions please email me

I hope to hear from you and
I hope to see you in Madison


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